Tobacco Dressing: Leaf Bandage, Tobacco Leaves.Lily Dressing: Leaf Bandage, Plantain Lily Leaf.Honey Dressing: Leaf Bandage, Honeycomb.Goliath Dressing: Leaf Bandage, Goliath Birdeater Ash.Blade Mold: Empty Mold, Melted Iron Ore, Stone Blade.Axe Mold: Empty Mold, Melted Iron Ore, Stone Axe.Arrow Mold: Empty Mold, Melted Iron Ore, Arrow.Armor Mold: Empty Mold, Melted Iron Ore, Stick.Tribal Firestarter: Small Stick (x2), Rope (x2).Fishing Rod: Long Stick, Rope, Bird Feather (x2), Brazil Nut Shell.Fire Bow: Bow, Small Stone, Small stick, Plank.Bamboo Fishing Rod: Long Bamboo Stick, Rope, Bird Feather (x2), Brazil Nut Shell.Related: Sons of The Forest Release Date, Trailer, Rumors, and News Tool recipes Stick Armor: Banana Leaf, Stick (x3), Rope (x2).Metal Armor: Banana Leaf, Metal Armor Cast (x3), Rope (x2).Bone Armor: Banana Leaf, Bone (x3), Rope (x2).Bamboo Armor: Banana Leaf, Bamboo Stick (x3), Rope (x2).Armadillo Armor: Banana Leaf, Armadillo Shell, Rope (x2).Stone Spear: Long Stick, Rope, Stone Blade.Stone Axe (stronger version): Wood Stick, Stone Blade, Rope.Stick Blade: Small Stick (x2), Small Stone, Rope.Poison Darts (x5): Unfinished Darts, Poison Frog, Frog Stretcher.Obsidian Spear: Obsidian, Rope, Long Stick.Obsidian Blade: Obsidian, Rope, Small Stone.Obsidian Axe: Obsidian, Rope, Wood Stick.Metal Spear: Metal Blade Cast, long Stick, Rope.Metal Pickaxe: Metal Blade Cast, Stick, Rope.Metal Arrow: Metal Arrowhead Cast, Bird Feather (x2), Small Stick, Rope.Four-pronged Bamboo spear: Long Bamboo Stick, Small Stick (x2), Rope.Four-pronged Spear: Long Stick, Small Stick (x2), Rope.Blade Axe: Wood Stick, Stone Blade (x3).Bamboo Blowpipe: Long Bamboo Stick, Rope.If a crafted item will be too big for your backpack, instead right-click the large item while it is on the ground and choose Craft from its drop down menu. Note that some items need other crafted items to be crafted first. For example, right-click a Long Bamboo Stick to get two Bamboo Sticks.

The items you need below are largely found by harvesting objects, which is achieved by right-clicking them. Related: Green Hell: How-to Boil & Get Water Guide – Clean Water, Coconuts Once you have all the materials on the Crafting Rock that you need to craft an item, the Craft Button will appear. Note that the Tribal Firestarter is the only recipe that you can’t use until you unlock it, and you can find it at the West Native Camp.

Alternatively, press C and select Craft from the menu wheel. Select Crafting from the righthand menu, then drag the materials you need onto the Crafting Rock that appears on-screen. To craft an item in Green Hell (once you have the materials), open your Inventory by pressing Tab on your keyboard. What are all of the crafting recipes for Green Hell? Below, you’ll find all the Green Hell crafting recipes you’ll need to ensure you stay alive. You'll also need to stay alive when faced with some hostile locals, which means making yourself armor and weapons. So, you’re going to need to start making your own shelter, which means needing tools. In such extreme conditions, you’ll struggle for even the basics. Alone in the jungle, you must do whatever you can to survive.
Green Hell is an open-world survival simulator where your character has found themselves abandoned and lost in the Amazon Rainforest.